Traveling to Montenegro? Learn Some Montenegrin Travel Phrases [INFOGRAPHIC]
Unsurprisingly, Montenegrins all speak Montenegrin, but many people in Montenegro also speak English and one or more other languages. If you’re familiar with Croatian, the languages are very similar. An interesting aspect of Montenegro’s linguistic landscape is that Montenegro officially recognizes both Latin and Cyrillic scripts, with Montenegrin predominantly written in Latin.
We’ve put together this simple infographic that will walk you through the basic Montenegrin travel phrases you are most likely to need on your trip.
PS: we included the pronunciation!
Montenegrin Travel Phrases Infographic

Montenegrin Travel Phrases
Dobro Jutro! | Doe-bro You-tro | Good morning
Dovidenja! | Doh-vee-jen-yah | Goodbye! (formal)
Ciao! | Chow | Hello!/Good-bye! (informal)
Bok! | Bohk | Hello!/Good-bye! (neutral)
Dobra vecer! | Doe-bra Ve-Cher | Good afternoon!/Good evening! (formal)
Laku noc! | Laa-koo Notch | Good night! (informal)
Kako se zovete? | Kak-koh Seh Zoh-ve-teh | What is your name?
Zovem se… | Zoh-vehm Se | My name is…
Kako si? | Ka-koh See | How are you?
Dobro, hvala! | Do-broh Hva-lah | Fine, thank you.
Molim | Moe-lim | Please.
Hvala | Hva – lah | Thank you.
Molim! | Moe-lim | You’re welcome!
Zao mi je | Zhow Mee Yeah | I’m sorry.
Izvinite | Eez-vee-nee-teh | Excuse me. (formal)
Izvinite, trebao bih informaciju, molim Vas. | Eez-vee-nee-teh, Treh-bah-oh Bee In-for-ma-cee -u, Moe-lim Vahs | Excuse me, I need some information, please.
Da | Dah | Yes.
Ne | Neh | No.
Basic Phrases
Pricate li Engleski? | Pree-cha-tee Lee Enh-glehs-kee | Do you speak English?
Gde je stanica? | Geh-deh Yeh Stah-nee-cah | Where is the station?
Gde je toalet? | Geh-deh Yeh To-ah-let | Where is the bathroom?
Koliko daleko je Katedrala? | Koh-lee-koh Dah-le-koh Yeh Kha-teh-dra- lah | How far is the cathedral?
Gde mogu da pojedem najbolji sladoled? | Geh-deh Moh-gu Dah Poh-ye-them Na-ee-boh-lee Slah-do-led | Where can you get the best ice cream?
Kako da dodem do starog grada? | Kah-koh Dah Doh-jam Doh Stah-rog Gra-dah | How do you get to the old town?
Ordering Food & Drink
Jedan cappuccino, molim Vas | Yeh-dahn Kahp-pooh-chee-noh Moe-lim Vahs | A cappuccino, please.
Casu vode, molim Vas | Cha-shoo Voh-deh Moe-lim Vahs | A glass of water, please.
Koliko kosta? | Ko-lee-ko Kosh-ta | How much does it come to?
Racun, molim Vas | Rah-choon, Moe-lim Vahs | The bill please.
Which Italian words and phrases have you learned during your travels in Italy? Let us know in the comments!