The 10 Most Photographed Places in Italy
Today, we’ll be counting down the 10 most photographed places in Italy. Why? Because the very first thing we all do when we get in front of world landmarks like the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, or the Empire State building, is take a picture! Whether we use fancy cameras, or – for the less tech-savvy like me – just make sure we have enough storage room on our phones, taking photos of famous landmarks is a necessity when we travel.
The locations you are about to see are based on Sightsmap, a world map that reveals the “hotness” of a location based on the number of photos taken of it on Google’s Panoramio, a location-based photo-sharing website. The destinations are listed according to their world ranking and, for each of them, you will see the most photographed spot. Enjoy!
Most Photographed Places in Italy

10. Guinigi Tower, Lucca
World Ranking: 127

9. Port of Sirmione
World Ranking: 119

8. San Carlo Opera House, Naples
World Ranking: 104

7. Two Towers, Bologna
World Ranking: 92

6. La Scala Opera House, Milan
World Ranking: 57

5. Arena di Verona, Verona
World Ranking: 28

4. Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa
World Ranking: 22

3. Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence
World Ranking: 8

2. Accademia Bridge on the Grand Canal, Venice
World Ranking: 6

1. Trinita dei Monti, Rome
World Ranking: 2
How would you personally rank the attractions in Italy? Which one is your favorite?