Traveling to Croatia? Learn Some Croatian Travel Phrases [INFOGRAPHIC]
Raise your hand if you have been binge-watching Game of Thrones lately. As you may know by now, Croatia has provided many filming locations in the show. Especially with the recent release of Season 7, the popularity of this Mediterranean country as a travel destination has definitely been on the rise. Actually, even if it was not for the intriguing series, Croatia’s incredible historical setting, cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes would be more than good enough reasons for anybody to plan a trip. However, what is it that makes the best stories – and doubles the fun – when traveling? Interacting with the locals certainly does, even more so if in the local language. That’s why we have designed a handy and easy infographic of Croatian travel phrases. On your next trip, you will surely be confident enough to break the ice and show off! Ready? Here we go.
PS: we included the pronunciation!
Croatian Travel Phrases Infographic

Croatia Travel Phrases
Dobro Jutro! | Doe-bro You-tro | Good morning
Dovidenja! | doh-vee-jen-yah | Goodbye! (formal)
Ciao! | chow | Hello!/Good-bye! (informal)
Bok! | bohk | Hello!/Good-bye! (neutral)
Dobro vecer! | Doe-bro Ve-Cher | Good afternoon!/Good evening! (formal)
Laku noc! | laa-koo notch | Good night! (informal)
Kako se zovete? | kak-koh seh zoh-ve-teh | What is your name?
Zovem se… | zoh-vehm se | My name is…
Kako si? | ka-koh see | How are you?
Dobro, hvala! | do-broh hva-lah | Fine, thank you.
Molim | Moe-Lim | Please.
Hvala | hva – lah | Thank you.
Molim! | Moe-Lim | You’re welcome!
Zao mi je | zhow mee yeah | I’m sorry.
Oprostite | Oh-proh-stee-teh | Excuse me. (formal)
Oprostite, trebao bih informaciju, molim Vas. | Oh-proh-stee-teh, treh-bah-oh bee in-for-ma-cee -u, moe-lim vahs | Excuse me, I need some information, please.
Da | dah | Yes.
Ne | Neh | No.
Basic Phrases
Govorite li Engleski? | oh-voh-ree-tea Lee Enh-glehs-kee? | Do you speak English?
Gdje je stanica? | Geh-dyee yeh stah-nee-cah? | Where is the station?
Gdje je toalet? | Geh-dyee yeh to-ah-let? | Where is the bathroom?
Koliko daleko je Diocletian’s Palace? | koh-lee-koh dah-le-koh yeh Diocletian’s Palace? | How far is Diocletian’s Palace?
Gdje mogu pojesti najbolji sladoled? | Geh-dyee moh-gu poh-ye-stee na-ee-boh-lee slah-do-led? | Where can you get the best ice cream?
Kako se dode do Straduna? | kah-koh seh doh-de doh Strah-doo-nah | How do you get to Stradun?
Ordering Food & Drink
Jedan cappucccino, molim Vas | yeh-dahn kahp-pooh-chee-noh moe-lim vahs | A cappuccino, please.
Casu vode, molim Vas | kah-soo voh-deh moe-lim vahs | A glass of water, please.
Koliko kosta? | Ko-lee-ko Kosh-ta? | How much does it come to?
Racun, molim Vas | Rah-coon, moe-lim vahs | The bill please.
Did you already know any of these phrases? Let us know in a comment below!